Thursday, June 11, 2009

2nd week of the Holidays

Yo all

It's the second and last week of the short holidays.

And darn it for i haven't done any of my homework yet or even study. Everyday is just online, rubik's cube, sleeping, eat, reading novel and text messaging. xD

   This week's Monday and Tuesday was another intense choir practice... Almost 12 hours like last Friday. The only different is these 2 days, we got a vocal tutor from KL. Ta-da-da-da. Give a big hands for Mr. Liu... Didn't take any picture. But maybe i can get some photo of him. Upload it next time.

   Mr Liu had been 'teaching' us for the past few years. He came by our school 2 or 3 times a year. If my memory serve me right, he has been teaching us the same thing. I'm serious man. Each time he came in, and it's the same old thing from his last visit. Always the..eerr..don't know how to say it in English...And I'm so lazy to open my Chinese Star, so I'm gonna leave that to your imagination.


 All i can say about his teaching is, it's all about controlling your breathe or breathing. Take in enough air, breathe it out and control the amount you let out, and with your diaphragm(I think I got the spelling right...hmmm) supporting, the results are quite...eerr..a good news for all of us amateurs. The results are, you can get a clear voice, hit quite high note for one's standard, can hold a note longer and you can pretty much control your volume esaily.

   So, for that 2 days the practice was all about breathe in and out rapidly (try imagine how a dog breathe and you will get the picture). Nearly fall asleep for the first day, in fact, i did pass out a few minutes or second i guess. Then i was smarter the second day. Went to the toilet for several times xD.

Hmmm...think that's pretty much what i wanna update for now. To L4D again xD Chao

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